Mission - read more about Heart and Will

About Father Raphael -

Father (Fr) Raphael P. De Moreno was born and raised in Haiti.  He was educated in Haiti, Canada, and the United States.  He worked in Canada as Parish priest and hospital Chaplain  for the last 24 years, he worked as Parish priest and Board certified hospital chaplain in the United States of America.  He received his clinical psychology training at De Paul Healthcare in St. Louis, Mo.  Currently he is the pastor of St. James Catholic Church in Riverton, IL.

Father Raphael is on a Mission from God

When Fr. Raphael visited his aging parents in Haiti, he had a hard time recognizing his homeland.  Things get worse in that country by the minute due to the absence of the state.

After many years of reflection, Fr. Raphael has decided to “give back” to Haiti by delivering medical services to Haitians with no access to healthcare. In gratitude for all the blessings he has received in life, Fr. Raphael would like to build a Modern hospital to alleviate the misery and the hopelessness of the people in Haiti.  Secondly, he would like to build a Vocational School/ Healthcare Training School so Haitians can learn to serve their neighbors in need.  Thirdly, he would like to build a Guesthouse/ Lodging for family members of the patients receiving treatment.

The project will serve a population of approximately 126,000.  This commune county is without the presence of even a family physician.  The nearest healthcare facility is 35 miles away, with no reliable equipment, no sufficient healthcare professional, nor public transportation.

After many years of prayers and then consulting some local authorities, Fr. Raphael was granted 6.45 acres of land by the state of Haiti renewable for 35 years.  This is a huge step, considering how things are very slow in Haiti.  The next step is to present his idea to people.  So, he is in the process of sharing the vision with people who may help him see how this dream can be a reality.  some people do not hesitate to tell him already that it is impossible.  But he smiles.  He is not surprised.  He knows that nothing is really easy in life.  And, what is impossible for God?!  Fr. Raphael is on a mission for God.  He is not afraid.  So far the project has been well received by most the people that he has contacted.  

Fr. Raphael worked with a law firm to obtain a charitable tax ID number and create a 501(C )(3) corporation.  

consecrating the ground for the hospital

Father Raphael was in Haiti. He consecrated the ground where the hospital will be built. Watch as the progress continues.

Father Raphael

Heart and Will Corporation:

Non-profit organization created in 2020, dedicated to Healthcare and education to serve a population left on their own.

DOLETA PROJECT – (Habitation: Grande Riviere and Bebeck)

Location:  Chatard, Plaisance, Haiti

Three Components of Doleta Project Mission:

  • Our Lady of Grace hospital
  • Vocational school/ Healthcare Training School
  • Guesthouse/ Lodging

Haitian Government Supports the Mission and Generating Revenue

With the help of the Vice-President of the project in Haiti, the non-profit has hired a lawyer in Haiti who has already shared the vision.  The Haitian lawyer understands perfectly the goal.  He is a preacher himself!  He is very well known in Cap Haitian, the second largest city in Haiti.   His job is to represent the project and guide the project in anything regarding Haitian laws and regulations.  Right now, he is working to submit the corporation goals to the State of Haiti so that it can be legally recognized and work toward being Haitian tax exempt to facilitate the entry of materials and equipment at Customs at no charge. 

A sub-committee, sharing the vision, is being formed in the local area in order to secure the property, protect the crop that will be growing there.  The profits will be counted as local participation.  An agricultural firm is giving estimate on about how much money needed to store the water that already runs in the property that will water the crops.

Plantain is part of the national crops in Haiti. It grows fast if proper attention is given to it and it sells fast on the open market.

Locals See Project as a Dream Come True and Willing to Commit Whatever It Takes  

The project which is already started in Haiti very well received.  It is the talk of the town!!! They can’t wait to see this “dream come true”.  They don’t think like we think over here.  They spent their whole lifetime suffering.   Now hearing this project is coming to their area, they want to see the buildings rising as fast as it can.  They would commit to any sacrifice to convert this dream into reality.