Donations - Please help us support our cause!

What about financing the project?

How will the hospital be financed since the people are not able to pay fully for their treatment?  Very good question!  One of the things in mind so far is that it will be building a touristic zone and five star hotel and resort, as well.  It will be located 20 minutes away from Labadee.  The latter is the richest US resort in the Caribbean, a resort very frequented by international tourists, particularly those on the cruises.  Proceed of the hotel will be poured into the finance of the hospital.  We already own the beautiful land, right on a private beach.  We are also determining other projects/investments that will be able to sustain the project even if we lack foreign donors.  We recall the project does not belong to us.  It belongs to God.  There is always Divine Providence.  We are people of Faith.  We are simply little instruments in HIS hands and HE entrusts us to do the work with what HE gives us. 

Who will staff the Hospital? 

We are thinking about foreign Catholic Religious Nuns experienced in administration and healthcare to run the whole project once we open. Foreign doctors, foreign healthcare workers will join Haitian doctors and Haitian healthcare workers in order to maintain a very high hospital standard.  They will be brought to our facilities wherever we can find them if they are experienced and qualified.  Multi language translators will be on staff 24/7.  The vocational school will be staffed by both foreign and local professors.  The curriculum will be an amalgam of course teaching abroad and in Haiti.  The diploma should be recognized by the State of Haiti, but also by certain overseas colleges or universities.  A student graduated from our school is automatically employed with us.  

Establishing Healthcare Insurance

We will try to implement a type of insurance/payment system in order to collect funds, as well, as maintain affordable healthcare especially for returning patients with illnesses and also for those who cannot afford the minimum payment.  More of the fine details will be answered as those with talents and skills step forward to join us on the worthy journey.  Please keep this project and all those volunteering in your prayers as the project takes shape. 

Donate through PayPal

Please click the donate button below to go to PayPal to donate with a credit card.


How can I help?

Make a donation via online to the project.  It is also in need first of architects who can design the hospital buildings and engineers who are knowledgeable in hospital construction.  Any wonder people who would share the vision and be able to donate time, talents, treasures, and most especially prayers.

Time, Talent or Treasures

We are called to give of our time talent or treasure. How could you support us with your time, talents or treasure?

Here are some ways:

  • Monetary Donations
  • Construction Assistance
  • Training Assistance

To mail a check to the organization -

Make checks payable to:

Heart and Will Ltd.
112 N. 6th St., P.O. Box 590
Riverton, IL 62561

A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a tax efficient way to support a charity and satisfy your annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). Once you reach RMD age, the money you send from your traditional IRA to a qualified charity counts towards your RMD but isn’t subject to federal income tax. Your IRA administrator can process a QCD.


  • Age 70½ years or older
  • $100,000 annual maximum
  • Donate directly to charity


  • Support your charity
  • Satisfy your RMD
  • QCD is tax-free
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